
Mrs Bishop

Mrs Bishop is the Careers Leader for the Coleshill School and is available to support students from any year group in school regarding their career decisions and to explore with them what opportunities are available to them as they progress through school. She can offer guidance on work experience, apprenticeships, part time employment, and a host of other opportunities available.

Students can drop into the Careers Office based in Sixth Form or they can contact via email:

Mrs Clayton is our independent Careers Advisor. Students and parents can book an appointment with her. Please email:

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Compass Careers Report

Careers Learning Journey

Labour Market Information, Coventry and Warwickshire – Parent & Student Guide.pdf

Alumni Students of The Coleshill School
Alumni Students at The Coleshill School – can you inspire the next generation?

Useful Links

Other useful careers websites
  • – Job Profiles
  • – Career Pathways
  • Moving On Magazine – An online magazine for 14-18 year olds devoted to providing a wide range of information regarding choices following school
  • – Links to professional institutes who often have their own careers sections and lists of accredited degrees
  • – For links between degrees and A levels
  • – For information re ‘facilitating subjects’
  • – Course Search > Course Entry Requirements
  • – Options with Your Degree Subject > Jobs & Work Experience > Industry Insights
  • The JobPod is here to help you: – Oxford Brookes University’s JobPod helps to highlight career and HE options specifically tailored to each pupils preferred subjects and hobbies. Divided in to industry areas, the website aims to get students to think about school subjects choices, university courses available and ultimately, possible jobs in their area of interest.
Alternatives to university including higher apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, and school leaver schemes
Help with applications
Volunteering and gap year