Headteacher’s Blog 4th February 2022

Friday 4th February, 2022

A new normal? Looking after ourselves

This week school has begun to feel more ‘normal’ again for the first time in a long time.  Students and staff no longer have to wear face coverings, bagels and sausage rolls are being consumed in their usual epic proportions at break time and the cogs of the school machine are whirring.  At the end of the day students now enjoy the full range of extra-curricular activities, with clubs and sports teams back.  The school show is in full swing with the magic of Disney’s Aladdin set to wow audiences before Easter.  The school community is once again full of life, love and laughter.

Of course, this is a new normal and not the normal we knew pre pandemic.  There remain a number of staff and students who are not in school through testing positive for coronavirus or having to self-isolate.  We have had some high levels of staff absence in recent weeks and I want to thank the staff who have pulled together to cover absence and help to ensure that we have continued to deliver the best that we can for our students.  I want to remind students to make the most of every lesson, whether or not they have a cover teacher, as every second of their education counts.  We do not know how long we may be facing the challenges we currently face so it is important we adapt and give 100% every lesson, every day.

Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place on 7-13 February 2022

It has never been more important to focus on our mental health. This year’s theme is Growing Together

Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential.  However, emotional growth is often a gradual process that happens over time, and sometimes we might feel a bit ‘stuck’.  It is this feeling that requires a person to have strategies to un-stick themselves or they may become mentally unhealthy.

In school, we will be encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow.

I have attached a leaflet that you can use with your child at home to help them develop these essential life skills to ensure their mental health and wellbeing.

If you do have any concerns in regards to your child’s mental health please feel free to contact your Head of Year or Phase team, where we will only be too happy to support you.  Please see the attached leaflet with lots of tips for parents and carers. Growing Together Leaflet

KOOTH –An online wellbeing and mental health service for your child.

KOOTH can provide access to a trained mental health practitioner day and night 7 days a week for your child – see link below:


Phase 3 Update

Year 11 and 13 are now beginning to gear up for the final stretch of revision and examinations.  With a Y11 and 13 student in my own household I am certainly living and breathing this! 

Students in Year 11 will have been made aware of the revision sessions that are in place now at tutor time, lunch time and after school. We also have some revision sessions at February half term, which teachers will give invites out for those students who they feel will benefit.  The full list of revision activities up to half term can be found here YEAR-11-REVISION-TIMETABLE.pdf (coleshill.warwickshire.sch.uk)   After half term there will be a new revision programme in place.

We are conscious that this can be a challenging time for our teenagers as they get ready to tackle exams.  Here are a few articles you can use to support your child:

  1. Calm Zone on the ChildLine website, contains lots of relaxation exercises, activities, wellbeing themed games and videos around the topic of coping with stress https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/ 
  2. The Young Minds website also has some advice for parents around supporting young people emotionally during their exams https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/a-z-guide/exam-time/?acceptcookies
  3. This article by psychologist Dr Anna Coulton also has some good advice for parents around helping young people find a healthy work/life balance as they prepare for their exams and the different ways that exam related stress can manifest in teenagers https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zckydxs 

Year 9 Options

As set out in Mr Warren’s letter, the year 9 options process has now started.  Due to the ongoing situation with coronavirus we will not be having an options evening in school, but have put a range of measures in place to support students making their choices.  Year 9 students had an assembly today about their option choices.  A PowerPoint and letter will be sent to parents / carers next week which will explain the process of options and the timeline to complete the online form.  There will also be a booklet giving valuable information about each option subject and a contact email address should parents / guardians wish to speak to an expert in that subject.

Vacancies at The Coleshill School

We currently have the following vacancies.  For an application form and further details please visit our website:-  The Coleshill School – Tes Jobs :-

  • Teaching Assistant Level 2
  • Teaching Assistant Level 3
  • Exam Invigilators
  • Cleaners