Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh Logo

The Coleshill School has been running a successful Bronze Duke of Edinburgh program for four years and we are extremely proud of the students who have successfully completed the award.

The award gives our young people the chance to develop skills for life and work and fulfil their potential. The year requires all candidates to volunteer in and around our local community, learn a new skill and take part in regular physical activity. To conclude their award, they must complete a ?Practice and Assessed? Expedition, which is great fun for staff and students alike, and a fantastic way to finish the course.

If you would like more information about what Duke of Edinburgh entails please visit the DofE website


We currently have 90 Year 10 students in the process of completing their Bronze award and will be recruiting Year 9 students for this award in the new year. For any enquiries regarding the Duke of Edinburgh Award at The Coleshill School please contact Dr L Ahmed at ahmed.e1@thecoleshillschool.org.

Drop in sessions for students requiring help with eDoE are:

Monday lunchtime for Bronze Award

After October half term students will be invited to attend Expedition Preparation sessions, time/day tbc.

A Guide for Parents / Guardians and Carers: Parents-Info-Booklet-A4.pdf (dofe.org)

DofE Programme Ideas: programme_ideas_-_COMPLETE_brief.pdf (dofe.org)